Coming soon: Tosin’s List: My determination for myself as a wife
I want to make it clear that I know that I really, really, have to write a post about my own determination for myself as a wife. I want to be an outstanding wife to an outstanding husband. While being fully human, and imperfect, and flawed, I want to still be the embodiment of all his sweetest and deepest dreams. I know that in a way it cannot come across well if I sit down and spell out my requirements for all that he has to be, without writing the accompanying post about who I want to be! While I am putting this post together, what I will say is this: Trust me baby, I will be so worth it! Waiting to read the post will be worth it! Marrying me will be so worth it! After Jesus I am going to be the best thing that ever happened to you! Trust me! You think it is for nothing that I have been pursuing this God for so long and with such intensity?!!! You think it is for nothing that I have sat here thinking through all these thoughts for so long?!!! No baby! My utter determination as a woman and as a wife will be not only to keep a broad smile plastered all over your face but to keep you thanking God and praising God and full of unending joy that He made our paths cross. This is why I have to be so careful about the person I marry. I cannot waste all this effort on just anyone, you know!
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