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Someone Certain

Musical notation

And also…those songs!

You know, after shutting off for the day, I’ve had to turn my computer back on just to make this post! So …

Red tulips

Can I tell you something?!

This is a message for…surprise surprise –  a certain someone!Can I tell you something?! I hope that this is not completely over …

Ode to a Hoodie

You know how I recently said that I might be winding up activity on this blog? Well I simply could not leave …

A pier

The wrong platform!

I know that this is most likely the wrong platform to use. I’m also worried that I might be building myself up …

Bracelet with crown motif

The Princess and the Prayer!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** This post is really just about trying to find yet another creative way to thank the person who might have …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: That Song!

PS Fat Hints – That song…!

How could I have forgotten this in my super long post?! Yeah, that song!!!! That beautiful and incredible song! Just wow. I …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Simple Anywhere...

Simply Anywhere!

This is the second entry in my “Fat Hints” category, and thankfully it is a lot shorter than the first one: I …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Dropping Fat Hints!

Fat Hints!

I think I’m actually going to dedicate a category here on this blog to big fat hints, starting with this post! I’ve …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Acting like an idiot! Clown face

Acting like an idiot!

Well I’ve just written out a blog post just to try to express my thoughts regarding this “awkward thing”.  To be honest, …

Huggie-Wuggie: Awkward! Brain Coral


Wow, as I sit here typing at this post, I am giggling away, for a number of reasons.  A significant reason is …

Thank you for your prayers – Again!

I’ve just published this post on my other blog. However, for some reason, I feel compelled to post it here too! ———————————————————— …