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Not another late night post!

Yes, this would be another of those late night posts. However, I am going to be good and instead just tap out …

Romance Writings Subblog

As of today 29 May 2024 the “Romance Writings” subblog is being discontinued. History’s Royal Highnesses: Cinderella is now available on a …

Blog posts to write 17 May 2024

Posts that I have been thinking of writing, hope to get to soon: -False flag Christians: insincere but loud Christians, in essence …

Video: Tuesday 20 Feb

Well I have encountered a significant technical glitch this week, meaning that this week’s video is not truly a video but is …

Hello again, dear friends!

And so it appears that I am going to resume writing posts directly on this subblog, after a hiatus of a few …

And…back to the blog, again!

Wow it has been so long since I directly posted here on This is largely because I have been posting on …

And….back to the blog!

Over the last one and a half years, I have tried a radical new format for “Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie”. However I don’t …

An idea…

I’m sure that many readers will have heard, read, or watched the uploaded video of the incident between Amy Cooper and Christian …

Water drops on branches

A sexist man’s dilemma…

This is one of my spontaneous posts, and it is one of those posts that may well disappear from this blog once …

Turquoise Butterfly

Who this blog is not for

This post is a little tongue-in-cheek, but it is also quite serious. I was inspired to write this post after rereading an …

Most Radical Ideas

Last updated: 27th November 2022 I believe that this blog has a few ideas which are deeply, deeply radical. I believe that …

Talking about…Josh H

Josh H is one of the biggest inspirations behind this blog. His book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” has deeply (deeply!) influenced my …

Dealing with toxic people

Well I was just reading yet another post about how to deal with “toxic people”.  And here are a few thoughts on …

Christmas Postings!

Well today has been Christmas Day 2018, and I have been somewhat determined to post a post today! But somehow the hours …

Raspberry Heart

Making some changes!

I am currently making some changes to the appearance of this blog.  I am tweaking some settings etc.  So please do not …

And so we have SSL! (HTTPS://)

So a SSL certificate has recently been activated on this site, and this blog has now been transferred to the https protocol.  …

Strong dark-skinned woman

Humbilify! – Updated

EDIT ADDED 5TH OCTOBER 2018 Well in the two days it has been since I wrote this post, I have actually been …

Egyptian Mummy

Statistically speaking…

So today, I was reading an article about cognitive biases. These are the errors of logic, judgement or reasoning which we are …

So I read some posts today!

PREAMBLE Well today I was reading some stories online about what people have experienced in their relationships. On one hand, these were …

Becoming Mrs Outstanding

I really don’t have much time to put together a post today, so this is going to have to be very short …

White flowers

Sorry for the recent silence!

Sorry for the recent silence on this blog everyone!    I’ve faced a few acute challenges in terms of being busy, and over …

To blog or not to blog?!

Well I had hoped and confidently expected that I would be able to write a post over this bank holiday weekend.  You …

Happy Valentine’s Day 2018!

Wishing all readers of this blog a Happy Valentine’s Day, and week!  I hope that you’ve all had an amazing day.  For …

→ January 14, 2018

1. The “Friendship” blog should actually have two distinct categories:  “Friends” for dealing with people who are actually friends, and “People” for …

Friendship, Agreement

Friendship: But we agreed!

I just spontaneously wanted to write this post to express some of the irks I feel about friendships. Before I jump into …

Networked circle of friends

Friendship: Making a start!

Well I finally started my social justice blog, and now for the turn of the friendship blog, which is also something I’ve …

New Years Fireworks

Happy New Year 2018

This post comes to wish all readers of “Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie”  a Happy New Year in 2018!  I hope that you will …

Beloved, let us love one another!

When faith dies

Let me start off by reassuring any readers that no, my faith has not died. And by the grace of God it …

Beloved, let us love one another!

Bible Verse: 1 John 4v7

1 John 4v7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God …

Candle aflame

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13v7

1 Corinthians 13v7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Photo by Andreas Lischka on Pixabay

Beautiful scenic mountains

Bible Verse: Proverbs 4v7

Proverbs 4v7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Photo by Komposita on Pixabay

Two children playing

Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 4v9

Ecclesiastes 4v9 Two are better than one, for they have a good reward for their labour Photo by Bess-Hamiti on Pixabay

House on a hill

Proverbs 14v1

Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house… Photo by 12019 on Pixabay


Proverbs 15v17

Proverbs 15:17 Better is a dinner of herbs, where there is love, than a fatted calf with hatred Photo by Nietjuh on …

Beautiful African Woman

Proverbs 31v30

Proverbs 31:30 But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Image by Monica Ly on Pixabay

Beautiful Asian bride

Proverbs 18v22

Proverbs 18v22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the LORD.Photo by Sylvia Tan on Pixabay

Children walking hand in hand

Amos 3v3

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together unless they are agreed? Photo by Bess-Hamiti on Pixabay

RSS Icon

Hello Again RSS!

Well just over two years after initially “disabling” RSS, I have now added it back to the site.  (Actually, it never really …

A father and daughter

Like father, like daughter!

Oh man, I just have to share with you verbatim what my Dad just said! Talking about the tragedy of the Texas …

Beautiful woman with afro

Deep conditioning your marriage

I’ve recently been getting into looking after my natural afro hair.  But I’m trying to find a quick, easy, inexpensive way of …

Dollar Note

The Lie of Capitalism

I know what you might be thinking: “Tosin, what is a post about Capitalism doing on your Huggie-Wuggie blog?!  Have you possibly …

Internet Dating: Postscript

I initially published this post back in 2012, then I unpublished it, for reasons which I have now completely forgotten… ————————————————————– A …

Bar Chart of someone's character

Hearts and Character

Well I have just written this post on my Bible blog, but I was feeling so riled and worked up about this …

Little girl looking away from camera

Cringey Posts

I was recently reading/giggling through a certain post here, and thinking, for the hundredth time, just how cringey this post is! And …

A pair of trainers

Running the race of Character

If you were asked to spontaneously run a race or obstacle course without any warning at all, then your achievement in the …

A field of poppies

And so…

And so, I finally started writing out the post for “my determination for myself as a wife.”  But guess what?!  It is …

Raspberry Heart

Rethinking this two year thing!

Well you know this weekend I could so have written two substantial Huggie-Wuggie posts – at least!  But you know what I …

Some beautiful atmospheric mountains

A little bit of humility…

I’d like to apologise to anyone who has been reading this blog as I have not exactly been the epitome of humility …

Musical notation

Further Essential Characteristics 16 July 2016

TEMPORARY POST:  To  September 30 2016 This post expands the post “Essential Characteristics for my husband“ ———————————————————– A few further thoughts I …

Purple Wedding Bouquet

My biggest fear…just now!

Before launching into “my biggest fear”, a little admission. A few days ago I sat down and tried to write a blog post …

The problem with “just leave”

Recently “Nigerian Facebook” (that is Facebook as used by people of Nigerian descent or association) has been alight with the story of …

Communication Meltdown!

Recently I found myself down one of those internet article rabbit holes, where I will almost compulsively start reading one article after another, …

Tiny water droplets

The Character Characteristics

Well last night I wrote and published quite an angry post about unexciting aspects of male character that I would find hard …

PS – Talking about Adultery!

I’ve been reflecting on the post I recently wrote about adultery. I’m so sorry if I was graceless in my post.  There …

RSS Icon

Goodbye RSS!

After many years and thousands of feeds I have decided to disable the RSS feeds function on this site.  The chief reason …

I don't love you any more! Withered Rose

Talking about…adultery!

A few weeks ago I came across the following article, about a famous author who left his wife for another woman. Daily …

Horses kissing

Fulfilling his needs!

Well I’ve just written a post which was indirectly all about trying to communicate my needs to my husband – as usual!  …

Ornamental Cabbage

Of husbands and husbandry

I’m sure most people will have come across the idea that women are supposedly irrational or overly emotional. Personally speaking, I have …

Apologies for confusing posts!

I’d like to apologise to anyone who finds my posts confusing! There are two big reasons why this might be (that currently …

Couple Hugging

How to turn someone down

OK, now for the second part of this post:  this is the matching part to the first post, how to ask someone …

Children Kissing

How to ask someone out

There is now a matching post to this, “How to turn someone down” Well here I am, supposed to be working away. …

Like a cascading torrent!

Shyness, post script

As a postscript to my previous post, there were a few extra things that occurred to me later.  I must admit that …

Aromatic Sunset

Body, Soul and Spirit!

The ideas I hope to express in this post first occurred to me months and months ago.  However, they were some of the …


In hot pursuit

This post is a development of ideas I have expressed before.  However I first thought of it in this light last night …

Only God can give you the love you're looking for...

Deserving you

The slogan on this graphic reads:“Only God can give you the love you’re looking for, and only God can give you the …

Fresh coconut


This is not really a full post, but rather a quick anecdote. So I have finally been trying to get serious about …

Musical notation

And also…those songs!

You know, after shutting off for the day, I’ve had to turn my computer back on just to make this post! So …

Red tulips

Can I tell you something?!

This is a message for…surprise surprise –  a certain someone!Can I tell you something?! I hope that this is not completely over …

Ode to a Hoodie

You know how I recently said that I might be winding up activity on this blog? Well I simply could not leave …

Rethinking this blog….

Well I’ve got some news for anyone who might follow this blog…I’m thinking of stopping or reducing blog posts on this blog, …

Thumbs up in shadow

…But I was outstanding!

This is one of those (many, many) blog posts that occurred to me in that dreamy hinterland between sleep and wakefulness, where …

Marriage as a performance art

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE**********As with last week’s post, this post will be most relevant within marriage itself.  However, it will be most useful to …


Talking about Vision!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE**********I think that the ideas contained within this post are going to be most useful within marriage itself. However, it is …

Wooden symbols, spelling out "I love you"

Deconstructing “I Love You”

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** This post is relevant for anyone who is at the point of exchanging declarations of love with someone else… ******************************************* …

Heart formed from crown of thorns on page

Happy Resurrection Sunday 2015!

This post is to wish all readers of “Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie” a lovely Resurrection Sunday 2015.  Hallelujah, Christ is risen indeed!   …

I waited for you!

I have not yet written this week’s Huggie-Wuggie post. However I would love to share with you this video, which features the …

A pier

The wrong platform!

I know that this is most likely the wrong platform to use. I’m also worried that I might be building myself up …

Flickering Mineral Salt Candle

Love is…quiet, peaceful evenings

Love is sitting quietly, hugging, saying nothing in absolute silence, having a conversation that is communicated entirely through looks and hugs. ———————————————————————– …


Love is…watching the sunset together

Love is… sitting outside… [redacted: too much information!]… revelling in an abundance of friendly affection and tender memories: “Do you remember when?!”; …


Strands and Building Blocks

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** I think that this post is relevant to people who are considering whether to get married, for instance people who …

Bracelet with crown motif

The Princess and the Prayer!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** This post is really just about trying to find yet another creative way to thank the person who might have …


Quick Idea: 10 things I love about you!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** I think that this idea would be most helpful for people who are married  ******************************************* This is really cute. I …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie - Sexual Purity - Homosexuality

Sexual Purity – Homosexuality

For reasons that regular readers of this blog will probably not be able to eventually escape reading about, (again and again and …

Church V Marriage part 2

You don’t genuinely care, about me, or God.  You are just interested in adding some extra multicultural kudos to your prayerless gathering, …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: That Song!

PS Fat Hints – That song…!

How could I have forgotten this in my super long post?! Yeah, that song!!!! That beautiful and incredible song! Just wow. I …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Simple Anywhere...

Simply Anywhere!

This is the second entry in my “Fat Hints” category, and thankfully it is a lot shorter than the first one: I …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Dropping Fat Hints!

Fat Hints!

I think I’m actually going to dedicate a category here on this blog to big fat hints, starting with this post! I’ve …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Anatomy of a Marriage made in Heaven: Sunset

Anatomy of a Marriage made in Heaven

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** I think that this post is relevant to anyone who might be wishing to have a marriage made in heaven, …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Already Desperately in Love: Roses

Already desperately in love!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** If what I describe in this post is truly how many of us “fall in love”, then I think that …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie! Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

This post comes to wish all readers of “Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie” a Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for a …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: How women make themselves cheap: Woman holding banknotes

How women make themselves cheap

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** I think that this post is most relevant for women who are single and looking, encouraging them to insist on …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Sexual Purity: More Thoughts: Bible Text

Sexual Purity: More Thoughts

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** Once again this post concerns general sexual purity, so I believe that it is generally useful for everyone no matter …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Talking about Pornography and Sexual Fantasies: Leaves

Talking about pornography and sexual fantasies

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** This is not about any particular relationship stage but is written to encourage sexual purity at any stage. ******************************************* Guilt …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Married to Myself? Swan

Married to Myself?

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** This post will hopefully challenge people to imagine what it would be like to be married to them, so I …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Welcome to the Friendzone! Teddies

Welcome to the friendzone!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** I think that this post is most relevant for people who are single and looking, struggling with feelings for one …

Sample Newsletter

Dear {field1}, I hope this week is going excellently for you! Lots of exciting things have been happening here at Huggie-Wuggie Central …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie: Acting like an idiot! Clown face

Acting like an idiot!

Well I’ve just written out a blog post just to try to express my thoughts regarding this “awkward thing”.  To be honest, …

Huggie-Wuggie: Awkward! Brain Coral


Wow, as I sit here typing at this post, I am giggling away, for a number of reasons.  A significant reason is …

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie! Unhappily Single?! Tulips

Unhappily single?!

**********RELATIONSHIP RELEVANCE********** I’d say that this post is most relevant for people who are single, or who might be going out with …

Funto Ojumu on Sexuality

Please check out this video of one of my relatives discussing her views on sexuality! [youtube][/youtube]

Why people don’t listen

In this post I would like to offer a few thoughts on why … people don’t listen How women make themselves cheap …

True concern – Postscript

In this post, I would like to offer further clarification about the “true concern” post. As I was originally writing that post …

Why we need each other!

Well I recently wrote a post where I thanked an unknown someone for praying for me. I’ve been meaning to write a …

Waiting for You!

Waiting for You!

Please check out this beautiful rendition of poetry about waiting for the right man. [youtube][/youtube] [Comment Details]

Finding Mr Huggie-Wuggie! My Personal Values

My Personal Values

Here I’ve tried to list down all my own personal values regarding dating and relationships. This page is likely to change a …

Moving back to London?! Part 1

Well I recently celebrated another anniversary of my arrival here in this beautiful city. I love this city so much. However, from …

Joy and Sadness!!!

This is a spontaneous blog post that just needs to be written right now!  I am writing this blog post from a …

What is friendship really? Part 2

After writing last week’s post on “What is Friendship?”  I’ve been thinking a little more about the subject.  What occurred to me …

What is friendship?

I must admit that it is somewhat embarrassing for me to have to write this post. After all, this concerns something that …

Thank you for your prayers – Again!

I’ve just published this post on my other blog. However, for some reason, I feel compelled to post it here too! ———————————————————— …

The strange balance of marriage

I’ll start with a confession:  I have only just thought of this blog post right now, while I was writing the postscript …

All about two years Part 2

This is the second part to this post. The first is available here. However, if you had simply allowed yourself to get …

All about two years Part 1

In this blog post I would like to write about my personal conviction regarding “the two year thing”.  For people who do …

A moment of sobriety…

Well my previous post, published just a short while ago, was supposed to be the last post on this blog for this …

To be honest… Part 2

This is the second part to this post. The first is available here And then naturally, I also need that he should …

To be honest… Part 1

To be honest, as I write this post, I have to admit that I don’t have a general destination in mind or …

Look younger than I am…

 OK – erm – how to start this?! Can I ask you all a question: how old exactly do I look?! Because …

Blue Waterfall

What if my needs change?

Well I’ve been thinking away about these topics as usual, and thinking about my favourite things….  However a thought that has been …

Asking the wrong questions?

Well I’ve logged on for the purpose of writing an altogether different post, which I shall hopefully also write after this one.  …

Avoiding Mr Perfect - image of statue

Avoiding Mr Perfect

This is a blog post which might seem to say the opposite of what I usually say.  However, by the grace of …

Two threats to marital love

Over the course of the week, I have been thinking away about marriage, as always. For anyone who follows this blog, you …

The disadvantage of youth - heart drawn in the sand

The disadvantage of youth?

After all the thoughts that have occurred to me on the subject of love, relationships and marriage, I was recently reflecting on …

Excellent wife material? Part 1

I’m going to apologise in advance as this post is largely about myself, so it might have limited relevance to other people!  …

Positive Feed-Forward - intertwined wooden rings

Positive Feed-Forward

Happy Easter Sunday to everyone, happy Resurrection Sunday! Well, as this is Easter Sunday, mindful of the sacrifice that Christ made for …

Positivity! Water


I’m currently struggling to decide whether many of my recent blog posts here have been overwhelmingly negative. If you have been reading …

Happy Mothers' Day - Calf and Mother

Happy Mothers’ Day!

Wishing Happy Mothers’ Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, aunties, family friends, sisters and other ladies who have helped shaped us into …

Feelings of inadequacy - unopened rose

Feelings of inadequacy

I don’t know why it is, but my mind will be buzzing with interesting and exciting ideas for blog posts all week, …

Thoughts about communication - art painting

Thoughts about Communication

Here are some thoughts that I have been thinking about communication. I used to think that communication would be comparatively easy within …

Tosin's Guy Rules - flaming match

Tosin’s Guy Rules

This is a post that I’ve been thinking of writing for a while. However, even though this is a blog that gets …

Dating Night Stars


In my posts, I refer a lot to “dating”. I often speak quite negatively about it. Here, I thought I would clarify …

Everybody changes! Luminous butterfly

Everybody changes!

Last week I considered the subject of how to be confident, even from before marriage, that a future spouse will keep getting better …

Ladies, know your cycle! Beautiful picture of a dahlia

Ladies – know your cycle!

Update: Tuesday 23 October 2012: This post is now available as a free ebook from Smashwords in a variety of ebook formats …

My dream Valentine's Day - Ornamental Pigeons

My dream Valentine’s Day!

Well anyone who has been following this blog at all will know that I have not posted here for a while. The …

Would it be OK? - Great Smile

Would it be OK…?

After the seriousness of the last few blog posts, this one is quite light-hearted.  However, I think that this is one that …

Overview of Marriage Part 4 - Tin Can phoneline!

Overview of Marriage Part 4

This is the fourth part to this post. The first is available here The second is available here The third is available …

Overview of Marriage Part 3 - Starburst

Overview of Marriage Part 3

This is the third part to this post. The first is available here The second is available here So anyway, finally, a …

Overview of Marriage - male and female bodies

Overview of marriage Part 1

Well this week, I had planned to write a blog post that was titled “Just because he loves you does not mean …

Embracing the Wait - Woman and hot chocolate

Embracing “The Wait” Part 1

This post comes to you courtesy of a question asked by a certain sibling of mine – about addressing “the Wait”. Before …

Putting the Kingdom first: Medals

Putting the Kingdom first

Well, I’ve literally just completed a post on my Bible blog about how God’s highest priority for the world is its salvation, …

When does the relationship start? Time hands

When does the relationship start?

Obviously, as Christians, certain parts of your relationship can (ok, should) ONLY start after you get married – like sex, and all …

October – Posts to Write

Your Wedding day is NOT your marriage – sweetie! 😉 – DONE – 16 Oct 2011 Just because he marries you does …

This blog and you! Pointing Finger

This blog and you!

Or, who this blog is for. Firstly, thank you for reading this blog!  I am grateful and honoured to anyone who is …

Friendship Criteria - Huskies

Friendship Criteria

Well, after writing a blog post proclaiming that I was not going to write just about myself and my expectations in marriage …

Enough about me! Delicious Chocolate

Enough about me!

Well recently I was chatting to my sisters and for some reason, which I now forget, we started talking about a certain …

Still more...Butterfly

Still more…

Today, I would like to add a couple of further characteristics that I forgot to add to my blog post last week.  …